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Best Fade lineups for Lotus in Valorant

Episode 6 Act 1 has finally been released in Valorant, and players have received a lot of new content to experience, including a new Battlepass, the return of an old fan-favorite map called Split, and, most importantly, the new map, Lotus. This area is located in the Western Ghats of India and is turning out to be an interesting inclusion. Just like Haven, it has three sites, namely A, B, and C.

Map features are unique features in Valorant. For example, Ascent has doors that can be opened and closed, Bind has teleporters, and Fracture has zip lines spanning all the way to what is essentially another Attacker Spawn. In the case of Lotus, this map's unique mechanic is Rotating Doors.

Information is key in Valorant, and Initiators are important for acquiring it. Fade is currently considered to be the best Agent in this category. Having lineups for her signature ability, Haunt, on various maps could be very useful for a team. Below are some of the basic lineups that players can use to enter, defend, or retake sites on Lotus.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Attacking, defending, and retake lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant

A-site attack

A-site attacking lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

For this lineup, you have to position yourself against the edge of Rubble. Then, you have to aim at the specific leaf shown in the image above and jump-throw the Haunt in that direction.

A-site attacking lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Subsequently, the watcher will be on top of the structure next to the site and reveal all the enemies in A site and Top outside Hut.

A-site defense

A-site defending lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

For this lineup, you will have to stand right next to the wall in the Tree. From there, aim above between the foliage and place the crosshair. After that, jump and throw the Haunt.

A-site defending lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

The Haunt will land on top of the roof. This will help to reveal enemies from Root to Rubble. The only place they can hide is behind the latter. Apart from that small area, pretty much everything gets revealed.

A-site retake

A-site retake lineups for Fade on Lotus (Image via Riot Games)

For this lineup, you have to move to the stairs' edge on the Defense side's spawn and stop once you hit the wall. After that, you have to position yourself in a way the Prowler icon's green bar hits the golden dial on the blue container, as shown in the image above. Then, jump and throw the Haunt.

A-site retake lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

It will land on top of the structure in such a manner that it will reveal all the enemies on site A. The only places where enemies will be able to hide from the watch are Hut and Drop, so these areas will need to be scanned and cleared.

B-site defense

B-site defending lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

For this lineup, stand at the edge of the wall in B main. Then, aim the crosshair at the edge of the tile, as the player in the picture above is doing. After that, simply throw the Haunt. No jumping is needed here.

B-site defending lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

Once the Haunt is thrown, it will land on top of a structure and reveal the enemies that are going through pillars. This can help in taking early duels outside B.

C-site attack

C-site attacking lineups for Fade on Lotus (Image via Riot Games)

For this one, you will have to position yourself on the right-side wall outside the C site. Then, look at the little structure above and aim for its upper edge using the image above as a guide. Then, simply throw the Haunt.

C-site attacking lineups for Fade on Lotus in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

It will land below the little structure on a slope. This will reveal all the enemies in Main and Bend. Keep in mind, however, that enemies can still hide from the Haunt behind the large wall on Bend and Site C.

C-site defense

C-site defending lineups for Fade on Lotus (Image via Riot Games)

For this lineup, you have to position yourself on the outer wall of the C site. You will then have to look at the line above the little lotus-like structure and place the crosshair as shown in the image above. After that, jump-throw the Haunt.

C-site defending lineups for Fade on Lotus (Image via Riot Games)

The item will land on top of the lotus-like structure. Foes that are in Mound will all be revealed, and chances are, it can also disclose information associated with enemy teammates in the C Lobby.

C-site retake

C-site retake lineups for Fade on Lotus (Image via Riot Games)

For this lineup, go to Gravel and line up properly against the container. Then look at the wall above and place the crosshair alongside the line. Then, jump and throw the Haunt.

C-site retake lineups for Fade on Lotus (Image via Riot Games)

The item will find itself on top of a rock structure above and will reveal all the enemies on the site. One thing to remember here is that enemies can still dodge Fade's Haunt rather easily by either hiding near the box or at Bend.

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