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How Much Mike Rowe Is Really Worth Now

Sticking to any one of these probably wouldn't have netted him beaucoup cash, but packaged up within the Dirty Jobs universe, they formed the foundation of a lucrative career.

How much are we talking? values Rowe at about $35 million, which isn't too shabby for one of the top champions of the working man. To his credit, he doesn't flaunt his wealth, residing in the same modest apartment for the last 14 years, and spends more of his time working on charitable causes like the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, helping to change perceptions of blue collar work in America. 

According to his personal website bio, this leaves him about five days a month to hang out in his apartment, which he uses to "read pulp fiction and write about himself in the third person."

Compared to most wealthy people, there's not much bad to say about Mike Rowe. Any man willing to cover himself in sewage to make a living deserves what he is paid.
