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Is Miley Cyrus a Billionaire?

Fans want to know everything about their favorite celebrities, including how much money they have made. Miley Cyrus has had an illustrious career, despite only having been under the limelight for a short while. This has made many people wonder if she is a billionaire.

Sadly, Miley Cyrus is not a billionaire. While it is impossible for us to determine her net worth without her telling us so, estimates range between $160-240 million USD. Still, this is a lot of money for someone so young, and it puts her above a lot of other musicians who have been in the business much longer.

Let’s look at how much money Miley has and where she spends it.

Miley Cyrus’ Net Worth

There have been numerous estimates of Miley’s net worth. Celebrity Net Worth’s estimate is $160 million and Money Nation’s estimate falls around $207 million.

It is important to remember that these estimates can never be accurate. While some financial magnates may be required to disclose their assets, celebrities aren’t. As such, we will never know her actual worth unless she tells us (or it is leaked).

What we do know for a fact is that Miley is quite rich. Let’s take a look at how she has earned and how she spends her money.

How Miley Made Her Millions

When Miley was 11-years old, she started as an actress on Hannah Montana. She was paid $15,000 per episode according to numerous reports. However, she claims that she was probably the least paid person on that show. She says it was her dream to be on Disney, and that was all that mattered to her back then.

Since then, she has released numerous albums and been an occasional actress. Her first album on her own titled Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus has been certified triple platinum and has grossed over $10 million USD in sales.

Like most musicians, we believe that the brunt of her net worth comes from performing live shows (through ticket sales and merchandise). Miley has actually surpassed her father’s net worth, Billy Ray Cyrus, who was a famous country singer. She is actually one of the few celebrities who had famous parents and manage to overtake them in terms of total money made.

Miley still acts occasionally. While making music is her main endeavor, she still appears on the screen from time to time. For example, she was recently in an episode of the Black Mirror.

How Miley Spends Her Millions

Despite having loads of money throughout her teens, Miley does not seem to be a person that is obsessed with money. While she has made the occasional lavish purchase (as you would if you had $200 million), she has definitely done a lot of good with her money.

Miley is involved with a ton of different charities. She started off with the Wish Network, and she has added numerous charities to her list over the years. She not only donates money to charity, but also does all that she can to help in other ways.

She was originally headlining a benefit concert to help the victims of the Australian bushfires. Sadly, the concert was canceled due to concerns over the rapid increase of COVID-19.

There were also rumors that she was investing tens of millions into ‘Pot Businesses’. While it is true that Miley has been a supporter of drug legalization, she has only invested a small part of her wealth into such ventures. Apart from Lowell Farms, there aren’t a lot of other companies that seem to have received investments from Miley.

Simply put, money does not seem to have affected Miley in a huge way. She always came from a rich but humble family and has stayed in touch with her roots. There are numerous photos of her back in her hometown, and her message about money and fame has always been a positive one.
