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Miranda Lambert: Skinny actresses make me hungry. Honey, you need to eat!

Miranda Lambert
Miranda Lambert has a feature in the upcoming issue of Self. She shares some sentiments about body image which remind me of what Octavia Spencer has said about these issues. Around Oscar season, Octavia said that “If more women ate, they would be a lot happier.” Octavia also went off on the press for focusing so much on her size and said that the media was sending the wrong message to women. Miranda has some very similar sentiments, but because I’m not as much of a fan I’m not as “Go Miranda” as I would be if someone else were saying it. Is that wrong? She just bugs me for some reason, probably because she seems to pick fights with other celebrities (however warranted) and she maybe homewrecked her way into her current relationship. I do agree with her here. Here’s some of what she said:

“I don’t care about being stick-thin. I don’t want stuff to jiggle. Really skinny actresses make me hungry—I see them and think, Honey, you need to eat! I’m lucky I don’t have to live like that. I feel my best when I’m a toned, not flabby, size 8. Women come up to me and say, ‘You’re beautiful and confident, and that makes me feel I can be, too.’”

“I asked Blake, ‘Dude, why didn’t you tell me I got fat?’ He said, ‘That would go over like a lead balloon. It’s not my job to tell you you’re fat. It’s my job to tell you you’re beautiful.’”

“I absolutely hate exercise. I love it afterward, of course. But my trainer is so nice, I want to do push-ups to please him!”

“I drink Bacardi. My trainer, Bill, approves. I mean, he’d rather me not drink, but that’s not an option.”

The “Randa-rita”: Bacardi, Crystal Light and a splash of Sprite Zero. “I have one before a show and a half during. Later, if I want to throw down, I throw down!”

“I always scarf down food after a show. But now, instead of eating a burger, I’ll have a grilled-chicken salad waiting for me. And except for almonds and bananas, I don’t keep snacks on the bus. I don’t want Cheetos anywhere around me.”

“I carry a weapon. I got a death threat a few years ago and was really scared. But I don’t want bodyguards. I am my own security.”

“I’m a small-town girl. When you’re famous, whoever you were before comes out more. So if you were an ass, you’ll be even more of an ass.”

“We eat the meat we kill. Blake and I served it at our wedding! I love it when people are down on me for hunting. If you eat meat at all, I don’t want to hear about it!”

“It’s OK to be fat and lazy sometimes. But eventually you’re, like, Oh crap—I shouldn’t have done that! I gained about 10 pounds over the holidays, and when I got onstage in January, I realized I wasn’t feeling great. I didn’t have the energy or lung capacity I needed. It was a good idea to get strong again.”

“I won’t give up what I enjoy to look perfect. I want to find a happy medium between feeling good about my body and still having a beer and some barbecue.”

“I don’t mind having a big butt. I actually like that about myself.”

[From Self via KMLE]

I agree with her about hunting. If you eat meat you have nothing to complain about.

I admired Octavia Spencer’s statements on body image, and I like that Miranda has the same opinions. It’s rare to hear someone famous address these issues so bluntly, but we know that Miranda has no problem being blunt. She’s really suited for her husband Blake in that he likes to talk smack too, usually with a few Bacardi and Crystal Lights in him. As for their relationship, Miranda admits that they’re rarely together. She also says she’s threatened him with destroying his trophy deer if he cheats on her. Really. Well “the way you get ’em…” Here’s that part of her interview:

Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton

“Blake and I barely see each other. We got married [last May], and we each had so much travel, it was, like, See you next year! There have been challenges the first year, but we faced them. We’re individuals, but together we’re a force to be reckoned with.”

“I think Blake is a bit scared of me. He says he’s not, but I’ve said, ‘If you cheat, I’ll spray-paint all of your trophy deer heads pink.’”

Is there trouble in their relationship? I don’t know, but we know Miranda isn’t BSing about it by any means. She’ll tell it like it is. If Blake does ever cheat on her and she finds out, you know she’ll talk about that too in great detail. Blake is probably way more worried about that than his deer heads.

Miranda is shown at the ACM Awards on 4-1 and at the Kentucky Derby on 5-4. Credit: and PCNPhotos
