published on in gacor

Wake up Australia: Telstras phone alarm service put to sleep

If you're one of those people who rely on a call from Telstra to wake you up, you'd better buy an alarm clock. Better still, learn to use the alarm on your mobile phone. Or maybe buy a rooster.

After today, Telstra's wake up & reminder service will be no more.

For those who've never used them, wake up calls were a service accessed through Telstra's 1234 number.

You rang the number, booked a time, then were rudely awoken from your blissful slumber by that lady with the annoying and slightly unnerving voice that sounded like a computer.

Telstra media guy Jonathan Rose, who for the record didn't sound at all like a computer, said that clock radios, mobile phone alarms and iPad apps had rendered the service redundant.

"The number of customers using the Wake up and Reminder service has steadily declined and the system has now reached the end of its life," he told

"To give customers plenty of notice, we reached out to those with a permanent booking back in May to help them move to a suitable alternative. All up, there were about 100 customers across the country that used that service on a regular basis."

Anyone seriously considering replacing the service with a rooster would be well advised to consider that they are banned in most urban local government areas.
