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What is the Sparkle Creed? Edina Community Lutheran Church woke video sparks online backlash

A viral video of a pastor at Edina Community Lutheran Church in Minneapolis reciting the Sparkle Creed has left netizens enraged. The clip shared by user @WokePreacherTV on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, was taken from a livestream uploaded on the church's YouTube channel.

The Sparkle Creed is a version of the Apostle's Creed modified to include the LGBTQ+ community. The incident took place on Sunday, June 25, with co-pastor Anna Helgen leading the congregation. She recites that God is "non-binary," that Jesus Christ had "two dads", and that "love is love."

Calling for inclusion and diversity, she adds:

"I believe in the church of everyday saints, as numerous, creative, and resilient as patches on the AIDS quilt, whose feet are grounded in mud and whose eyes gaze at the stars in Wonder."

"This is wicked and pagan.": Netizens slam the Sparkle Creed

As the video depicting the congregation went viral, internet users were left enraged. They called it blasphemy, heresy, and unforgivable sin.

Many criticized the church, stating it was corrupted by satan, and called Helgen a false prophet who is just a "mouthpiece in a building."

Here are some comments seen on Twitter:

A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @drj_eminentia)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @d_rowland13)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @AlexanderC65628)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @CowdadTanner)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @Jgmfoxia89)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @Shannon31978016)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @kwitzats)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @PiperNadorff)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @VetoTheMatrix)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @SlimWiggy)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @Corvaiex)
A comment reacting to the news (Image via Twitter/ @ShannonFinn16)

What did Anna Helgen say? More about the Sparkle Creed

Anna Helgen is a co-pastor at the Edina Community Lutheran Church (ECLC). According to Church Leaders, the (ECLC is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that has been active in including and fostering the queer community since 1985.

As part of her Sparkle Creed recital, Helgen stated:

I believe in the rainbow spirit, who shatters our image of one white light and refracts it into a rainbow of gorgeous diversity."

The Sparkle Creed seems to be created by Rev. Rachel Small Stokes of the Immanuel United Church of Christ in Kentucky, who first shared it in a Facebook post during the 2021 Pride Month.

Following the recital, Helgen led a prayer to the God of "expansive and inclusive love," and brought up the topic of honey bees whose population is "experiencing extreme loss." As part of her invocation, she addressed the subject of climate change and pride month.

She also referenced popstar Taylor Swift when she asked God to help people "shake it off" when the going gets hard.

Helgen has not commented on the recital going viral or the controversy.

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