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Why is Shirley Strawberry's husband in jail? Steve Harvey drama explained in wake of leaked phone re

Shirley Strawberry and Steve Harvey were put in an awkward position after the former’s prison phone call with estranged husband Ernesto Williams was leaked online. In the same, Strawberry was heard speaking to her soon to be ex-husband about her co-host’s marriage with wife, Marjorie Harvey. Since the conversations came to light, the popular television hosts addressed the controversy at hand.

Shirley Strawberry went into a lot of detail about Marjorie Harvey while she was having a phone call with Williams. She was heard bragging about Lori Harvey’s mother’s extravagant lifestyle. She also suggested that things get awkward whenever Marjorie is around Steve and Shirley. She said:

“If she was there we probably wouldn’t have been all over the house… you know he’s scared… I wasn’t supposed to be in there but he brought us in…[Steve] was happy to see us. He always invites us over there, and we don’t never go because I don’t know, if she’s there… you know. She looks at us as ‘the help’ you know… it is what is is.”

Whoever leaked the conversation between Shirley Strawberry and Ernesto Williams was still unknown at the time of writing this article.

Why is Shirley Strawberry’s husband Ernesto Williams in jail?

Shirley Strawberry’s estranged husband is incarcerated at the Atlanta Fulton County Jail on gun possession, theft, fraud and child p*rnography charges as per The Jasmine Brand. According to Sandra Rose, Williams is serving a 23-months prison sentence.

Eurweb also reported that Williams was charged with operating a credit card repair scam alongside his alleged mistress Ericka King. It was revealed that King was out on bond and awaiting trial for her crime.

Shirley Strawberry also revealed on Instagram that her imprisoned husband had been scamming her for years. He reportedly lied to her about her identity and what his intentions were. The television host claimed that he was using her for her reputation and bought cars, houses and other luxury items without her knowledge.

She also noted that Ernesto was cheating on her with a woman he ended up impregnating. Strawberry claimed that she learned about this after hiring a private investigator to look into his actions.

Shirley Strawberry and Steve Harvey address phone call scandal

Shirley Strawberry went on to apologize for her statements on The Steve Harvey Show. She said:

“When [the phone calls] came out, [it was] a little bit different because it’s not gossip, rumor, or [a] malicious lie. It came from the inside circle… because we’re an inside circle. We are family.”

Strawberry went on to apologize to Marjorie Harvey and said that she was not “trying to add to what you have going on right now.”

According to The Jasmine Brand, Steve Harvey was concerned about how Marjorie would respond to the phone call controversy. He claimed that “bottom feeders” were “beating” his wife “up.” Steve also expressed empathy towards his co-host by saying:

“The timing of it was ugly because of everything else that’s going on right now. And it made it look like Shirley was piling on, and that wasn’t her intent, but it happened... I understand.”

Speaking about his wife, Steve added that she is a “good woman,” “loyal,” “faithful” and “God-fearing.”

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